ADHD Oxfordshire
Information and Support
ADHD Oxfordshire
Information and Support
News and Events
Face-to-face meetings are back!
We are delighted to announce that we will be resuming face-to-face meetings on a quarterly basis from October.
The next meeting is on Tuesday 17th October 2023, from 7pm to 9pm, at St Leonard's Church Hall, Eynsham. All welcome!
NEW BOOK by a member of our support group!
The ADHD Support Handbook – A real-life guide to empowering a child with ADHD and related conditions. Based on personal experience this book provides a valuable resource supporting those living with ADHD.
Kindle link
Paperback link
Amazon review: 5.0 out of 5 stars Fantastic book
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 4 July 2021
Verified Purchase
"So glad I came across this book, I myself at 37 recently diagnosed with ADHD! And my daughter who is 7 has been referred to ASD services, this is the first book that has made sense about education with her and what to do, have recommended this book to a lot of friends."
Useful links to resources
Useful articles and webinars, in conjunction with the ADHD Foundation, to help support children with ADHD.
Local group for parents of children with SEN (Special Educational Needs)
See SHIFT (Support, Help, Information, Families Together) website https://www.shift-abingdon.org.uk/
Also see this Coronavirus Resource page from SHIF T for useful link for education tips, activities and support.
Available ADHD Training
Nationally available training courses
For those working with children and young people through UKAP (the UK ADHD Partnership) see http://www.ukadhd.com/training.htm
For those working with adults with ADHD there is training available through UKAAN (UK ADHD Adult Network) see http://www.ukaan.org/ukaan_events.htm
Online video course to help understand ADHD
from Kings College, London for up to date understanding about ADHD https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/understanding-adhd
Diagnosis and Assessment, One Day Course 2020
W orkshop training day (in London SE5 8SN) aimed at professionals working within adults. This is relevant to psychiatrists at all stages of training but also other members of the mental health team including nurses and psychologists.
ADHD Oxfordshire featured on radio interview 2014
We rely on donations to continue our support for people affected by ADHD.
To donate please use https://localgiving.org/charity/adhdoxfordshire/
Thank you very much!