ADHD Oxfordshire
Information and Support
ADHD Oxfordshire
Information and Support
ADHD Oxfordshire Privacy Statement
ADHD Oxfordshire Privacy Statement
When you contact us, whether it is by phone or email, a face-to-face coaching session, or attendance at a support meeting, all information is treated as confidential.
Personal information about yourself, your child, other family member or client, will not be shared with any other party unless you request us to share it in order to access information or services for you.
Information we keep
We use your information to compile anonymised statistics for our annual report. This is normally each June because the ADHD Oxfordshire constitution was set up in June 2012.
The anonymised data consists of:
- Numbers of people attending the support group each month and in total;
- Numbers of people who have contacted us by email and phone;
- Numbers of parents of children diagnosed with ADHD/suspected ADHD;
- Numbers of adults with ADHD/suspected ADHD;
- Gender statistics.
- Number of enquiries from professionals working with clients who have ADHD
Once the report has been accepted and signed, the information used for compiling the statistics is kept securely for one year from that date and then shredded.
Emails to ADHD Oxfordshire are password protected and not accessible to anyone outside of ADHD Oxfordshire.
If you email us we will use your email address solely for replying to your query and not for any other purpose. It will not be passed on to any other party.
Information within your email will be used to provide you with the information you are asking for and also to extract anonymised data as explained above in 'Information we keep'.
Your email will normally be kept for one year after the Annual report but you have the right to request that it is deleted earlier.
We have a mailing list for a monthly email reminder of support meetings and very occasional other items of relevant news. You will not be automatically included. If you would like to receive these notifications please let us know. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Phone conversations
If you call us, written notes may be taken during the conversation to help us to provide the right information and support.
Notes taken during phone calls are kept securely and will normally be destroyed within one month and no later than one year after carrying out any agreed follow-up. Anonymised data will be extracted as explained and itemised above in 'Information we keep'.
Phone conversations are not recorded.
For queries related to privacy please contact us at enquiries@adhdoxfordshire.co.uk