ADHD Oxfordshire
Information and Support
ADHD Oxfordshire
Information and Support
Counselling and Therapies
Counselling and Therapies
The Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership has a list of many local organisations covering many different conditions, with sources of information and support. See https://www.oxfordhealth.nhs.uk/omhp/
The following private practitioners on this page are known to us and have an interest in ADHD but please note they are specialists in their own field, not necessarily in ADHD and are completely independent of the organisation ADHD Oxfordshire.
Counselling and Psychotherapy
Siona Bastable
Specialist in Adult ADHD
Email: bastablesiona@gmail.com
Phone: 0755 776 0752
Clinical Hypnotherapy
Linda Flanigan
At one of our meetings Linda explained to us about EFT (emotional freedom technique) and how this can help us to cope with some of the challenges of having ADHD or living with someone with ADHD.
Contact Linda on 07866 360 359 or email linda@lfhypnotherapy.co.uk .
Read more at http://www.lfhypnotherapy-oxfordshire.co.uk
Child Psychology
Mandy Smiton
Mandy uses psychological approaches to the management of ADHD, helping the child or teenager and the family to understand and cope better with the challenges. She has an excellent understanding of ADHD.
Mandy's website is http://www.mandysmiton.com/